Nutrition » Nutrition


Daily Student Meals at Wilkinsburg Schools

The Wilkinsburg School District understands the importance of proper nutrition and the role it plays in a child’s ability to perform in school. Free meals are provided to all students of the district under the direction of The Nutrition Group’s National School Breakfast Program (NSBP) and National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

The Nutrition Group transforms school breakfast and lunch into nutritious, lively, and fun programs that students and faculty eagerly participate in. Our school meals are healthy, diverse, and appealing, with the main focus always being on the student. The primary goal is to create a setting that helps them make the right choices and perform at their best. Eating healthy and making the right decisions about what to eat plays a big part in this effort.

Children with Disabilities and Special Dietary Needs

Children with Disabilities and Special Dietary Needs Schools participating in a federal school meal program (National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Special Milk Program, and Afterschool Snack Program) are required to make reasonable accommodations for children who are unable to eat the school meals because of a disability that restricts the diet.

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost more. Use these tips and materials from USDA to help you make choices that are not only healthy but also economical. (Source: Let’ 

Nutrition Information

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, put forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), provide science-based advice for individuals over the age of two to promote health and reduce the risk of major chronic diseases. The current Dietary Guidelines, encourage most Americans to eat fewer calories, be more physically active, and make wiser food choices. (Source: Let’ 

Summer Outreach Information

To receive meals during the summer, please use the following information:

  • Call 211
  • Call 1-866-3Hungry (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8Hambre (I-877-842-6273)
  • Text "FOOD" or "COMIDA" to 304-304
  • Text "SUMMER MEALS" or "VERANO" to 914-342-7744
  • Use to website:
  • Use the site locator for smartphones: